Cookie Policy

Introduction and concept of cookie.

In compliance with the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 22 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, with this Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, with this document The Giri Destinations, hereinafter THE COMPANY, intends to inform you of what cookies are, their function what cookies are, their function, usefulness and necessity, so that you can make a free decisions on whether or not to accept them. Notwithstanding this, you are explicitly informed that there may be cookies that are necessary for the communications between your communications between your computer and the network, as well as to provide the services expressly requested by you. services expressly requested by you, being in both cases exempted from compliance excepted from compliance with the obligations established in the aforementioned article. article.

A cookie is simply a file with an anonymous code that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain websites. on your computer when you access certain web pages. These small files allow a web page, among other things, to store, record and passively and passively retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or his or her a user or their equipment on the website. This information can make it possible to to know the place from which the user accesses the website, the time of connection, the type of device from which it is accessed (fixed or mobile), the operating system, the browser, the most browser, the most visited pages and the number of clicks made, among other data on the user's other data on user behaviour on the Internet.

You can deactivate cookies in your browser and delete them at any time. at any time. However, you should be aware that, although the website is accessible without cookies being enabled, disabling cookies may prevent the website from working properly. may prevent the website from functioning properly. To find out more about cookies, you can visit the following URL:

Types of cookies.

Cookies are classified into the following categories according to their functions:

Strictly necessary or technical cookies: These are cookies that allow the user to browsing through a web page, platform or application, as well as the use of the different the use of the different options or services that exist on it.

Personalisation cookies: These are cookies that allow the user to configure some of the general some characteristics of a general nature to access the service (language, type of browser, etc.). (language, type of browser, etc.).

Analysis Cookies: These are those that allow the person responsible for them, monitoring and analysis of the behaviour of the users of the websites to which they are linked. websites to which they are linked. These are used to analyse the activity of the activity of the sites or applications accessed by the user, as well as for the creation of browsing for the elaboration of browsing profiles that may be used to study improvements for study improvements for users on these sites or applications.

Advertising cookies: They are used for the management of advertising spaces that the owner of the website or application has included in them.

Behavioural advertising cookies: These are those that allow the management of advertising spaces that the owner of the allow the management of the advertising spaces that the owner of the website or application website or application owner has included in them, in the most effective way possible. To do so, it uses user behavioural data stored in these cookies.


Use of cookies on the website.

We hereby expressly, precisely and unequivocally inform you that the information obtained through the cookies installed on your computer obtained through the cookies that are installed on your computer, with the possible exception of those used to personalise browsing and for technical matters and for technical purposes, will not be used by us, as we do not use analytical or advertising use cookies for analysis or advertising of any kind. The recipients of the information obtained through the cookies that are installed on your computer are the installed on your computer will be the following entities:

The Giri Destinations


 The purposes envisaged are those indicated in the following table:

Name Own or third party Duration Purpose
cookie_alert Own duration of the current session Show cookie warning only once per session
popup_faldon Own duration of the current session Show offer popup only once per session (only when there is an offer popup)
_utma Google Analytics 2 years Used to differentiate between users and sessions.
_utmb Google Analytics 10 minutes from creation or modification It is used to find out if there is a new session or visit.
_utmc Google Analytics At the end of the session It is used to facilitate functionality with the urchin.js library. Previously, this cookie acted in conjunction with the _utmb cookie to determine whether the cookie to determine if the user was in a new session or visit.
_utmz Google Analytics 6 months Stores the origin of the traffic or the campaign that explains from where the user arrives to the website.
_utmt Google Analytics At the end of the session Used to define the type of user request. Used to establish page usage statistics.
DoubleClick Adwords At the end of the session Segment content to make it relevant to users.


Name Information processed Purpose
Strictly necessary User session, registration details, bookings. Management of user session registration and maintenance, personalisation of navigation, load balancing
Google Analytics Websites visited, frequency, number and repetition of visits, browsing time, searches performed, links accessed, browser used, operator providing the service, location linked to IP address Measuring and analysing user browsing, monitoring and analysing user behaviour, drawing up anonymous user browsing profiles, making improvements based on the analysis of user usage data.
Google Adwords IP address, searches performed, links accessed and advertisements accessed. Show the products that best suit the user, segment the target audience, measure results, flexible budgets and detect new markets.

Revocation of authorisation

for the use of cookies and browser settings. As we have already informed you, once the cookies have been installed, you may, at any time, revoke your consent and delete them. To do so, you can use the content and privacy configuration options available in the browser you are using while browsing the website.

Below are the links to the main browsers and devices so that you have all the information you need to find out how to manage cookies in your browser.

Internet Explorer™: Versión 7 y 8

Internet Explorer™: Versión 9

Microsoft Edge







Cookie Policy update and contact.

This Cookie Policy may change depending on the cookies used. We recommend that you review this policy each time you access our website in order to be properly informed about how and why we use cookies and to be aware of any changes in the type of data that is collected. If you have any questions about our Cookie Policy, or wish to revoke your previously given consent, you may contact THE COMPANY at the following email address indicating "Cookie Policy" in the subject line.

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