Coffe Balisimo The Purist Villas
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Café Balisimo

Restaurant in Ubud serving traditional Indonesian cuisine

From Indonesia's more than 6,000 islands and 300 ethnic groups, the country's culinary culture is one of the most diverse in the world. Within this vast variety, our Balinese chef, Putu, has selected some of the tastiest classics and offers a farm-fresh menu that changes daily.

In addition, we are proud to have collaborated with Spanish chef Aliwalu, who focuses her work and philosophy on Vital Cuisine. She has trained our kitchen team herself. The colourful vegan dishes on our menu are a true feast for your senses and well-being.

At Café Balisimo we care deeply about the quality and sustainability of the food we serve and the well-being of the people who produce it.

Café Balisimo

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